Content №2 от 2001

The effect of macro economic parameters on regional economy

The systemic dependence of region-level decisions on national macro economic parameters is analyzed on the case of the Novosibirsk region's budget for 2001. The study is made with a system of optimization models for analysis and forecast of financial flows at the levels of the national economy, federal districts and federal subjects.

Marshak V. D. [email protected]

Changing the tariffs on electric power: possible consequences for regional economy

A new methodical approach to assessment of possible effect that changes in the price of electric power (or of another source of power) may have on inflation, financial standing of enterprises in the sector of production, cost of living, incomes and expenditures of region's consolidated budget is suggested. Some results of this approach employed in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Irkutsk and Tiumen regions are given.

Galperova Ie. V. [email protected]

Kononov Iu. D. [email protected]

Financial competency of the Russian Federation subject

In order to build fiscal federalism in Russia and not to destroy the national state itself as well as not to impede concentration on its level of financial resources needed to fulfill federal obligations, regional financial competencies should be clearly delimited. Legally this competency should be reflected in the budget law codifying the symmetry of financial interests of regions. The paper analyzes the concept of budgetary competency and main features of budgetary management in the Russian Federation as an integral state and in its subjects as administrative spatial units. Particular attention is paid to those RF powers that reinforce its federal nature.

Krokhina Iu. A.

A new configuration of Russian strategic interests in the Arctic region

The paper considers special consequences the world economic globalization has in the Arctic region where the bloc of northern countries forms a center of advanced and rich post-industrial economies surrounded by a wide periphery including Russia. The creation and development in the XXIst century of an Arctic transport system is an unprecedented global-planetary project. It will create a new arena of collision between geo-strategic interests of circumpolar nations. The point is claims to the shelf and North Pole of the planet made by Russia, Norway, the USA, Canada and Denmark. Russian geo-strategic interests in the Arctic region have to be actively defended. This necessitates development of a new Russian Arctic doctrine.

Kolunin V. M.

Tax burden on economic entity

The problem of tax burden distribution among regional enterprises is viewed as one of the conditions for economic growth. Shown is the international experience in the sphere of taxation. On the basis of suggested domestic procedures efforts were made to find a formula for tax burden calculation that would be most adequate to the nature of this problem. The suggested formula was tested in experimental calculations on enterprises of the Kemerovo region in the Ist quarter of 2000.

Bashtanov A. N.

Consumer prices in Russia in 1992-2000: spatial aspect

The behavior of prices of food, non-food goods and services and the general level of consumer market prices for 1992-2000 across 11 economic regions of Russia are analyzed. Discussed are the features of price behavior in different intervals of this period and in different parts of the country.

Gluschenko K. P. [email protected]

A new model of social policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: the case of the Karaganda region

The formation and establishment of a new model of social policy are shown on the case of the Karaganda region in the Republic of Kazakhstan where the system of social security was radically reformed through changes made in the legal-normative framework. The authors examine present social laws, regional trends in the living level and develop recommendations on how to improve the legal framework of social policy, form a model of social security tailored to region's conditions and change instruments measuring the living level.

Alpysbaieva S. N. [email protected]

Pritvorova T. P.

Regional power systems: prospects

Economic problems in the functioning and development of electric power enterprises and proposals made by the management of the Unified Energy System on further reformation of this industry are discussed. It is concluded that at present organizational reformation would be untimely, that first the economic mechanism in the functioning of enterprises should be improved. Outlined are directions and stages of these improvements.

Lyubimova Ye. V. [email protected] or [email protected]

Company restructuring in Russia: substance and prospects

Restructuring of Russian companies is considered a form of their adaptation to the new economic environment. The conception of restructuring is taken in regard to Western experience, to its special features in Russian transition and to the case of individual Russian companies. Its specificity in Russia is a need for a sharp upswing in company's economic efficiency and for development of adaptation mechanisms. The adverse influence of economic and institutional factors makes this process in Russia much more difficult and long. Transformation of companies must be started with creation of a new structure and efficient management and improved staff potential. Management restructuring will open ways for larger-scale transformations which will allow Russian companies to be more competitive in the world market.

Kartashov S. V.

Vertical integrated structures in Russian industry

The problems of changing organizational structure of industry in Russian transition are discussed with reference to financial-industrial groups (FIG). The author adheres to a conception by which formal creation of FIGs is part of a broader formation of vertical integrated structures. Comparing the native-based classification of FIGs with that accepted in Japan, he insists on a more intensive employment of foreign experience. On the case of a large Siberian organization that by formal criteria is not a financial-industrial group the process of gradual vertical integration is analyzed. Of a special interest is description of reinstated economic ties between Kuzbas and the Novosibirsk region.

Dobrov A. P.

Market of securities in the Far Eastern region

The paper considers the state of the securities market of the Primorski region. The efficiency of regional market of securities is analyzed by discerning four large functional groups of its players: emitters, investors, professional participants and supervising bodies. The emphasis is made on the place and role of credit institutions. The authors suggest a complex of actions toward further development of the market at the regional level and of the ties between financial and real sectors of the economy.

Afanasiev A. A.

Karepova Ia. V.

Estimation of regional investment risk: the case of the Smolensk region

The paper describes methods for estimating regional risk in examination of investment projects. Their merit is a possibility for investor himself individually to calculate the regional risk coefficient proceeding from his own preferences. In other words, expert estimation of regional risk coefficients can be carried out by each participant of the investment project.

Artemenkov Iu. P.

Kiseleva N. V.

Tangatarov S. P.

General characteristic of the financial and economic situation: city of Novy Urengoi

The features of economic crisis in northern Siberian cities dependent on oil and gas production are described. City development parameters and directions of main financial flows from sources of finances generation to their consumers are given with the help of material-financial balance. The analysis of the city budget and of changes in its structure has permitted us to formulate recommendations on improving the efficiency of budgetary process, creation of conditions for prediction of the financial-economic base of city social-economic development.

Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru

Marchuk Ie. A.

Kashum T. A.

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