Manuscript requirements for the journal “Region: economics and sociology”
An article with obligatory UDC index should contain: an abstract, keywords, the aim of research, scientific novelty (it should be stated what new ideas the article conveys as compared to other publications on the same topic), the materials and methods of research, the results of research and further discussion of them, study findings or a conclusion, a list of references, information about the author(s). It could be mentioned which plan, grant, etc. was used to carry out the research work.
The manuscript up to 40,000 characters with spaces should be written in Microsoft Word and sent to the Editorial via e-mail: [email protected]. The computer file with the manuscript should be titled with the author’s romanized name, e.g., “Ivanov”.
An abstract to the article should be 120 to 250 words. When writing an abstract, the author should avoid complex grammatic structures. It should reflect:
- subject, topic, aim, hypothesis of the research;
- method or methodology of research;
- results of work;
- applicable scope;
- conclusions.
The abstract and keywords (6–8 words) are given both in Russian and English. In addition to the main text file, it is necessary to save figures in separate files. They should have a format that allows editing and configuration change. You are obliged to submit digital data tables for graphs, charts and diagrams in their original format.
References are listed at the end of the article. For each source, you should specify the total number of pages for a book or page numbers for an article. In the text, links to sources should be placed in square brackets. In the case of direct quoting, page numbers of the source are indicated.
Works without attribution (regulations, statistical digests, web addresses, articles from Internet resources), as well as works of the author (self-citations), should not be included in the references in the manuscript of the scientific article, but rather given in the footnotes throughout the text.
The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order. First are references in Russian (sorted in the order of the Russian alphabet), then comes the list of international references (sorted in the order of the Roman alphabet). The numbering should be consecutive.
The list of references is translated by the editorial team.
The article should end with information about all its authors in the following order: last name, first name, middle name (in full), academic degree, academic title, full name of the author’s main place of work, position, e-mail address, mailing address of the organization, phone and fax numbers. These data are given in both Russian and English.
Tables should be drawn in Microsoft Word (Times New Roman regular font, 12 point throughout, 1.5 vertical spacing). Formulas should be made in MS Equation or MathType. Figures should be submitted in the program where they were created.
Numbers of tables are right-aligned (in italics), the titles of tables are centered (in bold). Numbers of formulas should be right-aligned. Automatic numbering for formulas cannot be used in the text.
Article Structure
UDC index
Article heading (capital, centered, bold)
Abstract in Russian (lowercase, justified, italic)
Keywords (lowercase, justified, italic)
Body text (lowercase, justified, normal font)
References (lowercase, justified, normal font)
Article heading in English (capital, centered, bold)
Abstract in English (lowercase, justified, italic)
Keywords in English (lowercase, justified, italic)
Information about the authors in Russian: last name, first name, patronymic of authors in full (country, city) — academic degree, academic title, position, primary place of employment (work address with a postal code, e-mail). The same information about the authors in English.
Body text
Guidelines for Writing Reference Lists
A list of references is an obligatory element of any article. For the sake of consistency in journal design, the Editorial Board suggests that authors should use the following reference format. References reside below the text body. If the source has a DOI, it must be listed. The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order. First are references in Russian (sorted in the order of the Russian alphabet), then comes the list of international references (sorted in the order of the Roman alphabet). The numbering should be consecutive (regardless the language of the source).
To associate the list of references with the text of the article, you should include a reference as a number (running number of the source from the list) in brackets. If there are several references in brackets, they are separated with semicolons. Direct citations are given in quotation marks. In this case, you should not only indicate the running number of the source but also the page number.
Guidelines for Bibliographical References
A reference may contain the following elements.
Headline. The headline of a reference is the author's name (the last name is first, then the initials). If there are more than three authors, the reference starts with the main title. In this case, the authors' names are specified in the statement of responsibility after the main title in the order they are mentioned in the source. It is possible to include only the first author's last name and initials with “et al.”
Main title. The main title can be the title of a monograph written by one or more authors, the title of an article taken from a collective volume or a part of a publication written by the author(s) who is/are cited in the text body. In this case, after specifying the name(s) of the author(s) and the main title, you put a slash and then the title of a collective volume or publication whose part is included in the list of references as an independent source; you can also mention the names of editors and other information about the publication.
Information related to the title provides details of the publication type by its nature (monograph, author's abstract, preprint, thesis, conference proceedings, collection of scientific papers, manual, textbook, etc.), the source language if the publication is translated, the number of volumes, etc.
The statement of responsibility may include the names of the following: the authors of the monograph, scientific and other editors of the collective volume, translators, and the organization on whose behalf the paper was published, etc. Information about the publication contains such data as the reissue serial number, details for alterations and amendments, etc.
Imprint provides the reader with the place of publication (city), publisher's name, and issue date. For periodicals the imprint is year, number, and issue date (for newspapers). If the book was published jointly by two publishing houses located in different cities, the places of publication are indicated one after another and separated by a semicolon.
Physical characteristics of the document. It includes, for instance, the total number of pages in a book or the type of an electronic resource (website).
Information about the series. The name of the series is specified without the word “series” in parentheses.
Volume or issue number. The number of the volume or issue is indicated if the source is from a serial or multi-volume publication.
1. Monograph with two authors:
Лапин В.А., Любовный В.Я. Реформа местного самоуправления и административно-территориальное устройство России. – М.: Дело, 2005. – 240 с.
2. Monograph with more than three authors:
Социально-экономическое обоснование структурных преобразований в горно-промышленных районах / Е.М. Козаков, В.М. Попов, А.А. Рожков и др. – Екатеринбург: Ин-т экономики УрО РАН, 2000. – 315 с. Краткий экономический словарь / А.Н. Азрилиян и др. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Ин-т новой экономики, 2002. – 1087 с.
3. Article in collected volumes:
Суспицын С.А. Методология измерения устойчивых трансформаций социально-экономического пространства // Фундаментальные проблемы пространственного развития Российской Федерации: междисциплинарный синтез / Отв. ред. В.М. Котляков. – М.: Медиа-Пресс, 2013. – С. 203-210.
4. Article in a journal:
Лексин В.Н. Результативность и эффективность действий региональной и муниципальной власти: назначение и возможности корректной оценки // Регион: экономика и социология. – 2012. – № 1 (73). – С. 3-39.
Miguel E., Roland G. The long-run impact of bombing Vietnam // Journal of Development Economics. – 2001. – No. 96. – P. 1-15.
References to electronic sources. References to original articles are formatted following the same rules as references to works on paper. The carrier form (disk) is indicated after all the information about the object of the reference (arranged in the above order) in brackets; for example, after the number and issue date of an electronic journal where the described material resides. If you refer to a website, you should write the word “сайт” in brackets. For remote access electronic sources, remote access to replace the words “access mode” with the abbreviation “URL” followed by a colon and resource access protocol (HTTP, and others). Next to the URL address, you should provide information about the date when you accessed the source in parentheses: after the words “дата обращения” put the date in the format. For example, Огородников Евгений. Эльгу взять, патронов не давать. – URL: (дата обращения 05.08.2014).
Self-citations. It is not advisable to include your own papers in the list of references. If necessary, you should give them in footnotes.