Requirements for publishing in the journal “Region: economics and sociology”

The manuscripts of scientific articles submitted to Region: Economics and Sociology should express new, not yet published research findings on current problems of regional economics and economic sociology of regions.

All the articles submitted to the Editorial undergo a one-month review. A single article is considered no more than twice (an author's variant and the one amended with regard to reviewers' commentary if any corrections are needed). In case of rejection, the author receives a reasonable refusal. Reviews are sent to the authors by e-mail.

The edited version of the article prepared for printing is sent to the author by e-mail for their approval.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the authors and the journal must enter into a licensing agreement to use a scientific work in the journal.

If the author does not follow the Rules, the Editorial does not consider his manuscript.

Authors are not charged for the publication of the manuscripts (within the limits of the normative number of articles).

Given the large number of incoming articles, the quarterly publication schedule and the annual plan for the upcoming issues, the Editorial does not guarantee that each accepted article will be published without delay. An approximate publication time frame for an article to appear in the running issue of the journal, with consideration of its positive review and rapid corrections based on reviewers' commentary, is about 6–9 months after it is received by the Editorial Board, which meets international standards.

Authors should send their manuscripts via e-mail: [email protected]

Dear readers of Region: Economics and Sociology!
Starting from the second issue of the journal in 2016, the Editorial Board will send the published article to its author not in hard but in soft copies (pdf). If you want to receive a traditional (printed) version of the journal, please subscribe at the marketing department of the SB RAS Publishing House.
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