Contact details of the Editors of “Regional Research of Russia”
Editors-in-Chief: Vladimir Mikhaylovich Kotlyakov, Academician of the RAS, Director of the Institute of Geography RAS,
Phone 8(495)959-00-32, E-mail [email protected]
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kolosov, Doctor of Geography, Professor, President of the International Geographical Union, Vice President of the Russian Geographical Society,
Phone 8(495)959-00-29, E-mail [email protected]
Editorial: 29, Staromonetny Lane, Moscow, 119017, Russia.
Phone 8(495)959-0032, 8(916)70-2803; Fax: 7 (495) 959-00-33
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Olga Borisovna Glezer, Candidate of Geography,
E-mail [email protected]
Executive Editor: Tatyana Lvovna Borodina, Candidate of Geography,
E-mail [email protected]