Search by keyword: quantitative and qualitative aspects of natality
Demographic policy in Northern Russia: peculiarities and priorities
The paper proves that a demographic crisis in Northern Russia is much deeper than the official vital statistics shows. The most severe problems are the young age-specific mortality patterns; a high share of deaths due to external factors and diseases of exogenous etiology; low birth rates among those who live in traditionally Russian Northern areas, and among Aboriginals who live in the areas with the completed demographic transition; a high degree of family life disruption; and interdependence between the uncompleted demographic transition of Northern Aboriginal peoples and their unfavorable qualitative birth characteristics and high child mortality. Just they predetermine the goals and tasks of Northern demographic policy
Popova L. A. [email protected]
Keywords: demographic policy marital and family relationship quantitative and qualitative aspects of natality child mortality life expectancy demographic transition age pattern natural population decline Northern areas