Search by keyword: local self-governance

Social Mapping as a Tool to Enhance Public Participation

The paper analyzes perspectives, strategies, and procedures of participatory social mapping to diagnose and encourage public participation in local communities’ development. It shows that involving local people in mapping as experts could allow producing not only empirical data concerning the nature of territorial identity, territorial interests and public participation, but also building "zones of agreement" and residents’ involvement in their communities’ development. We describe residents’ involvement in mapping taken place in the rural communities of the Novosibirsk oblast

Vavilina N. D. [email protected]

Skalaban I. A. [email protected]

Keywords: local self-governance social involvement public participation social inclusion participatory social mapping local community

Municipal strategic planning: reliability and failures factors

The paper analyzes the strategic planning practiced by municipalities. We show and assess what risk factors are if municipal strategic plans would be developed and applied. We offer our approach which allows foreseeing the risks and reliability of municipal strategic planning.

Petrov I. V. [email protected]

Keywords: diagnostics local governance strategic planning local self-governance factors of sustainability

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
