Search by keyword: Central Asia

On the issue of water resources export from Siberia

Due to the fact of renewed interest to the project on transbasin water transfer from Ob-Irtysh Basin to the Central Asia countries widely discussed in the 1970s up to the first half of the 1980s, we analyze whether this project was reasoёnable, and show the principle methodological errors made in it. We describe the legal foundations of projects on transbasin water transfer as well as a procedure of ecologic-economic assessment which are necessarily be complied with and made. We question the economic and ecological wisdom of this project at present.

Vasilenko V. A. [email protected]

Keywords: water resources Siberia Siberia Central Asia sustainability of natural resource systems water services market Siberian transbasin water transfer ecologic assessment

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
