Search by keyword: regional innovation potential

Regional Innovation Potentials and the Effects of Higher Education

The paper discusses high disparities in the effects of higher education observed among Russian regions. For most regions, this fact can be explained by compensatory mechanisms, but for nearly the fifth part of regions, the explanation does not work – they are the regions with high innovation potentials. This fact let us assume that effects of higher education depend on the degree of how the innovation infrastructure is developed and locally concentrated. However, having tested this hypothesis, we observed a reverse dependence. In addition, the high disparities within federal districts required another explanation. Our conclusion is that effects of higher education in regions depend on the differences in wages taken place due to sectoral specifics of regions.

Cheremisina T. P. [email protected]

Keywords: Russia and regions effects of higher education regional innovation potential concentration of the scientific and educational infrastructures in regions level of wages and sectoral specific of regions

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
