Search by keyword: household wealth
Regional and Settlement Aspects of the Structure of Russian Household Non-Financial Wealth
The article gives the results of the analysis of tangible assets owned by or at the disposal of Russian households, i.e. their non-financial wealth. The structure of ownership for each of the assets and the complex (non-monetary) assessment of how well households are provided with assets are considered separately for each federal district and inhabited locality with different population. The paper demonstrates regional and settlement discrepancies in the amount of property or non-financial wealth of Russian households. It has been found that the characteristics of the place where a household resides make a substantial contribution to the household's chances to have a certain level of non-financial wealth; but this contribution is significantly lower than one of the characteristics reflecting how strong and prolonged are the efforts of the household members to create wealth. It is revealed that differences in wealth are more closely related to the settlement aspects of the household’s place of residence than to the regional ones
Bogomolova T. Yu. [email protected]
Cherkashina T. Yu. [email protected]
Keywords: household wealth non-financial household assets migration regional differentiation place of residence federal district