Search by keyword: operations management
Optimization of Tactical and Operational Planning in Manufacturing of Complex Electrical Equipment
The paper presents a methodological approach to the simultaneous solution of problems of the strategic, tactical and operational planning in production of complex electrical equipment with long manufacturing process. Novelty of research consists in the combination and coordination of optimization of volume calendar planning (strategic, tactical), current calendar planning (scheduling), network planning and management. The main difficulty is to build a model of production scheduling according to leading groups of equipment from the entire list of products basing on the data from the network planning process for each product separately. In addition, the formulation of the problem above presents a new approach to accounting for duration of works (operations) as not a multiple of the selected time unit. In the end, the joint problem of production scheduling with resource constraints is reduced to the problem of linear integer programming, of which the solution is feasible with the use of the existing software
Bezmelnitsyn D. A. [email protected]
Keywords: operations management strategic and tactical management optimization network planning scheduling coordination of the different tasks of planning and management согласование разных задач планирования и управления