Search by keyword: problems of innovation business development
Determining Ways to Improve Regional Innovation Policy
A comparative analysis of existing legal acts allocated tasks, mechanisms and instruments of innovation policy used at the regional level. Following the analysis, there has been formed the complete list of government administrative tasks for innovation policy of sub-federal management. By comparing the resulting list with the space where innovation policy is implemented at different stages of the innovation cycle, the authors managed to identify bottlenecks and flaws in promotion of demand for innovation at the regional level. An elaborated methodical approach to identifying bottlenecks in the regional policy which depress demand for innovative products has been evaluated with evidence from Novosibirsk Oblast. As a result, this article proposes methods to improve administrative tasks, mechanisms and instruments of regional policy implementation aimed at promoting demand for innovation
Suslov V. I. [email protected]
Bobylev G. V. [email protected]
Valieva O. V. [email protected]
Kravchenko N. A. [email protected]
Kuznetsov A. V. [email protected]
Keywords: regional innovation policy regional innovation policy problems of innovation business development