Search by keyword: National Innovation System

Innovative Territories as a Base for the Spatial Structure of the National Innovation System

The paper defines state regional development policy as an economic category. It is shown which strategic objectives will be solved by an integrated approach to regional innovative development policy development and implementation. The article presents a classification of territories according to importance of the National Innovation System and how well the level of innovative potential meets the challenges of social and economic development. The author describes his concept of a “territory of innovative development”, principles to form local innovation systems, and approaches to innovative development of territories with low capacity for innovation. Specific examples are given of how to implement the concept. Mechanisms of direct and indirect financial support for territories of innovative development are justified. The article designs a sequential algorithm for formation of local innovation systems

Ivanov V. V. [email protected]

Keywords: regional policy regional policy National Innovation System local territories territories of innovative development science cities (“naukograds”) federal conditional programs

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
