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Spatial Clustering of lnnovative Activities: Meaning, Effects, State Support

In this article, the author investigates the opportunities and limitations of the cluster approach for addressing challenges concerned with the rapid development of innovative entrepreneurship in regions. Не analyzes the phe­nomenon of spatial innovation cluster as a form offocal spatial integration of geographically close companies and organizations that perform different func­tions (from research and training to production and transportation), but unified by their voluntary participation in scientific and engineering processes. It results in a high-technology product created by joint efforts of all participants in this specially organized cooperation. The article also considers prere­quisites, conditions and consequences related to the use of spatial clusters. It clarifies the meaning, useful effects, requirements and lifecycle phases of the organizational form under analysis. The author emphasizes a crucial role of regional authorities in spatial clustering; he assesses the existing tasks and measures of state support. The article gives a general characterization for the implementation of the government program aimed at developing and sup­porting innovation clusters in the Russian regions.

Shvetzov A. N. [email protected]

Keywords: state support for innovation spatial clusters innovative development regional economy

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
