Search by keyword: demographic response

Quantitative Evaluation of the Demographic Response to Changes in Living Conditions in Monotowns

Changes in population dynamics point out the existence of unresolved socio-economic problems in settlements, especially in monotowns of different regions. The article proposes quantitative models and methods of histori­cal-geographical analysis of time series data on the population that allow us to assess the living conditions and the quality of decisions made. The calculations are centered around the determination of how hazardous life activities are, which is based on the demographic response to the impact of multi-level factors of the natural and socio-economic conditions. We compare this reaction in mo-notowns of Russia with a view to identifying transformational features attri­butable to the spatial organization of the territory over the last decade. The proposed method can be used for comparative analysis of data reflecting the response of a region to various types of exposure.

Sklyanova I. P. [email protected]

Cherkashin A. K. [email protected]

Keywords: monotowns historical-geographical comparative analysis demographic response integrated hazard of life activity socio-economic conditions

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
