Content №2 от 2015

Workforce Productivity in Russian Regions: Comparative Analysis

A comparative analysis of workforce productivity data in Russian regions is carried out. The paper discovers possibilities to strengthen regional factors inducing a rise in workforce productivity. It presents results from the analysis of the dynamics and interregional differentiation of workforce productivity based on statistics published by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and estimates of workforce productivity levels in regions and aggregate types of economic activity. Interregional differences in workforce productivity levels exhibit a tendency to decrease. An assessment of hourly productivity by types of economic activity revealed the most significant interregional differences in mineral production, construction, and agriculture. The article provides results from the comparative analysis of existing jobs in Russia in terms of their industrial distribution, workforce productivity, and salary levels. The paper gives a critical overview of the method to determine high-performance workplaces developed by Rosstat. We show that the growth rate in the number of high-performance workplaces calculated with this method is loosely related to the dynamics of workforce productivity and real income of the population. Directions to promote regional factors that increase workforce productivity suggested in government decrees are examined. Basing on interregional migration data in Russia, we show enabling and constraining effects of measures designed to enhance labor mobility

Miheeva N. N. [email protected]

Keywords: innovations производительность труда межрегиональная дифференциация высокопроизводительные рабочие места занятость в регионах мобильность трудовых ресурсов

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