Content №3 от 2003
Social and economic development strategy for the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district
The strategy of social and economic development for the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district is correlated with basic indicators of the Russia energy strategy up to 2020, "Main Social and Economic Long-term Policies of the Russian Federation" and "Economic Development Strategy for Siberia". The strategy includes development scenarios for the region and specification of the economic and managing tools for sustainable economic and social development of the region. The fuel-energy indicators are correlated with perspectives of the common development of the region including the development of contiguous regions. The program activities for each period of the strategy implementation are worked out in details. The prospect estimations of expected demand for investments and labor in different areas of the region are given. The priorities of strategic regional development are defined. They include the re-orientation of the region economy from the gas production to the expansion of liquid hydrocarbon production, the region's share in total oil and condensate production in Russia increasing; the expansion of oil and gas processing and oil-gas-chemistry in the region; the growth of liquid hydrocarbon production and transportation over North Shipping Route.
Suslov V. I. [email protected]
Korzhubaev A. G. [email protected]
Northern supply for Russian north-eastern regions: improving an economic and managing mechanism
In the paper the retrospective analysis and evaluation of the present governmental regulation of the Northern supply are given. The unproductiveness of the idea to maintain the direct governmental regulation of this process in the present market environment is shown. An alternative way is proposed. It is an indirect governmental impact through promoting the building of corporate groups consisting of key operators of finance and product flows in the North. It is also required to organize transport firms and regional warehouses within these corporate groups. It would help reduce the money deficit. A funding plan of advance food supply is proposed. This plan assumes the mining enterprises to build a regional conditional fund addressing northern supply challenges as well as an interregional "Northern Pool" including any Russian region concerned with the continuous Northern food supply.
Object-oriented approach to the study of economic efficiency of fundamental development
The article describes an approach to the study of economic efficiency of fundamental researches based on the fact that any fundamental research must finally result in the emergence of an artificial object. It is an object that represents the key output of the academic research. An industrial entity is assumed to be a model object in this study. Economic effectiveness of the fundamental research directly influences on how the industrial entity operates, as well as additionally consists of four particular effects: distributional, fan, multiplicative and modernizing. The linkages between these four effects are shown on the base of six studies carried in the institutions of the Siberian Branch RAS as an example. Separating these effects, one can further analyze the economic efficiency of fundamental researches for the country and plan them on a scientifically proved basis.
Legal status of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities
The weakness and defects of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities are shown in this paper: too big personnel and not fully defined functions, weak coordination of their operation, doubling for responsibilities of local executive bodies, no detailed regulations on their cooperation with federal bodies. All this hamper the constitutional principle of the executive power identity within the Russian Federation. Some arrangements are proposed to improve the activity of the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities. Their implementation is under jurisdiction of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation.
Reproduction aspect in regional policy
The reproduction processes in different regions of Russia show different character within the period of economic reforms. Most regional authorities exercise responsibilities only being substantially supported from the federal budget and can not have a proper impact on the structural economic adjustments. Financial support to the regional budgets is basically assigned to routine affairs. The regional development fund is too small and used only for funding social services and infrastructure. The Siberian constituent units of the Russian Federation being an example, it is shown that the financial dependence of small agro-oriented regions on the federal centre is becoming stronger as well as the industries in large regions are degrading. The reproduction orientation of the regional policy is required to be strengthened through allocation more power to federal district administrations to stimulate structural reforms.
Approach to the evaluation of "gas project" participants' interests: using a fuzzy-sets tool
The issues of how to evaluate the interests of participants of a large-scale export project on the natural gas deliveries from Siberia to the Asia-Pacific Ocean Area countries are discussed. There is a lot of gas delivery options which are not equally advantageous to Russia, different regions, companies and countries-consumers. The choice should be defined by the understanding of necessity to coordinate the activity of different regions and firms in order to become a consolidated player in the resource market. Interests of Russia and its regions substantially depend on the sort and processing stage of the product sold on the world market. The uncertainty of many parameters requires adequate methods such as a fuzzy-sets tool proposed in this article.
Transport services to provide the trade between Siberia and Western China
The studies and assessments show that it is vital to build a transport infrastructure providing foreign trade contacts between Russia and Western China. The construction and operation of the road connecting Russia and Western China through the Altay Republic and their common border should become the focus of the international integration in this region. Its absence means a millions-US-dollars loss of profit both for Russia and China. From the Russian side, the integration revival is vital, first of all, for Novosibirsk and Kemerovo oblasts, the Altay kray, Altay and Tuva Republics. The unconcerned sides are Moscow and Kasakhstan Republic presently exercising a trade agent role in the trade between Russia and Western China.
Rural entrepreneurs in a local community
Over the passed ten years a multi-structural rural economy was formed. Along with the large collective enterprises, farms, family business and other small and medium businesses have appeared in rural communities. The paper analyzes the economic and social status of these new actors within a rural community, their relations with a local community, local authorities, large collective enterprises, business partners and competitors. The issues of the formation and development of the rural small business as well as the reasons of conflicts and possibilities for cooperation between entrepreneurs and other social groups in the community are considered on the base of the sociological poll of the rural entrepreneurs and people. The factors promoting legalization of the entrepreneurship, a sponsor role of the entrepreneurs in providing local social services and initiator role in establishing cooperative units and associations are of special emphasis.
Trends in the of development small business
The analysis of the small business development on the federal and regional levels has shown its trends and emergence conditions. A stable reduce of employment and a number of enterprises are reported. The labor productivity growth compensates for reduction of employment. The dynamics of the total output per one person employed in small business shows a rise. The profit growth rate in the small business is less than the output growth rate. It is reported why the economic situation is getting worth, tax burden is not reduced, and administrative barriers remain despite all the protective measures to promote small business made in 2002. The results of the study may be interesting for municipalities and those units of the Russian Federation controlling and managing the small business in a region.
Loans as a domestic debt of constituent units of the Russian Federation
A widespread practice when constituent units of the Russian Federation make loans has a great impact on the regional budget and concerns interests of all economic entities. At present there are objective conditions to diversify loans through recommencing a practice of the sub-federal bonds issue because institutional and private investors create a demand. The development of the sub-federal bonds market lowers the regional needs in financial resources, reduces a price of domestic debt, and increases the forecasting quality of financial plans. However, this long-lasting trend may cause a critical financial burden both on regional budgets and the regional financial system which is a main lender for the regional economy.
Trends in the development of Transport infrastructure in the counfries of Eastern Asia
Countries of Eastern Asia attract researchers’ attention because of some reasons: two among three world trade flows are formed there; a transport corridor network linking Russia and Europe is planned to be developed; the geographic neighborhood of eastern regions of Russia. Economic growth in the counties of Eastern Asia and their strengthening position in the world trade over the past years noticeably initiated the construction of a modern and competent transport infrastructure. In its turn, the development of the transport infrastructure considerably promotes the economic growth. The transport infrastructure development trends are considered in the article. They are of value for Russia having transport infrastructure development in the east ahead.