Content №3 от 2003

Object-oriented approach to the study of economic efficiency of fundamental development

The article describes an approach to the study of economic efficiency of fundamental researches based on the fact that any fundamental research must finally result in the emergence of an artificial object. It is an object that represents the key output of the academic research. An industrial entity is assumed to be a model object in this study. Economic effectiveness of the fundamental research directly influences on how the industrial entity operates, as well as additionally consists of four particular effects: distributional, fan, multiplicative and modernizing. The linkages between these four effects are shown on the base of six studies carried in the institutions of the Siberian Branch RAS as an example. Separating these effects, one can further analyze the economic efficiency of fundamental researches for the country and plan them on a scientifically proved basis.

Voronov Iu. P. [email protected]

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