Content №1 от 2016
Regional development disparity of banking institutions
The article presents the results of a study of regional differences in spatial bank distribution between Moscow, Russian federal districts, subjects of the Federation and their capitals. We define three-stages of fluctuations in the number of banks in a region. Using an example of the Siberian Federal District, we characterize each step fixing real institutional changes in power, particularly the state participation in the banking sector, as follows: liquidation of captive banks owned by regional authorities and reduced focalization of banks in regions. We test the hypothesis for a positive connection between the regional economic potential (according to its GRP) and the allocation of regional banks and branches of Moscow banks. The article describes the features relative to the existing hierarchy of regional financial centers and factors explaining the reasons why such centers emerge outside the capital. Despite the financial institutions concentrated in Moscow, regional financial centers have also evolved. It means that some ^metropolitans attributes are somewhat present in other cities besides Moscow
Ageeva S. D. [email protected]
Keywords: regional credit organizations captive banks state banks regional financial centers