Content №3 от 2016

Models of Spatial Analysis and Forecasting

In February 2016, an open methodological seminar for undergraduate and graduate students was organized in the Territorial Systems Department at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS. The seminar is meant to assist young researchers in thesis writing, expand their knowledge and skills in various fields of economics, teach them techniques of how to use scientific literature, information resources, etc. A critical objective of the seminar is to demonstrate that any economic study and model is based on a certain theory; to explain that, depending on a problem, a researcher should select a theory the most adequate to the task, i.e. based on basic hypotheses and conditions that correlate with the subject and object of their research. Each theory is just a more or less crude approximation to reality and can only be useful when solving specific problems.
One of the first reports delivered at the seminar was devoted to methods of spatial development analysis and forecasting. This article contains its main provisions.

Klistorin V. I. [email protected]

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