Content №4 от 2016

Strategic Planning and Strategic Miscounts: Russian Realia and Trends

The article considers certain aspects of strategic planning in the Russian Federation at its current state, with an emphasis on regional strategic planning. We demonstrate how poor control at the national and sub-national levels affects the crisis of the contemporary Russian economic system. We discovered that Russian practices of national and regional strategizing, as well as some of the most important strategic decisions, include model success stories, examples of undeveloped opportunities, and erroneous ways of their implementation. This is evident with the examples of development strategies and programs for the eastern regions of the country, the Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast till 2025, the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Strategy for Science and Technology Development of the Russian Federation, and the Siberian Science City strategic initiative. These successful cases of regional strategizing show that their positive results have been substantially achieved by introducing a mechanism for interaction and cooperation among key stakeholders: federal and regional authorities, business structures, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, civil society insti­tutions. At the same time, a number of national strategic initiatives failed mostly due to neglecting the partnership, which has led to wrongly chosen strategic guidelines and implementation techniques. We analyzed positive trends in the system of strategic planning related to the development of the Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation, the creation of the Pre­sidential Councilfor Strategic Development and Priority Projects, and the work of public councils at federal and regional executive agencies - the trends that mark the evolution of principles of public administration.

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

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