Content №4 от 2016

The Tuva Republic Population Adaptation to the Market Economy and Its Ethno-Social Peculiarities

The article reveals the specificities of labor activity in the Tuva Republic and the adaptive behavior of its population. With an analysis of subjective characteristics and objective statistical data, we determine the main deve­lopment trends in the region's economy, taking into account dispositions and preferences of representatives of the dominant nations. We dwell on the theory of studying the ethnic peculiarities of population adaptation to the market economy and the ways to improve socio-economic regulation in the Tuva Republic. We use sociological surveys to examine the dynamics of changing attitudes towards entrepreneurship and farming, to assess the prospects of local employment. The article analyzes self-employment, defines the conditions for its development, and determines its disadvantages. We idenify the ethnic pecu­liarities of residents' behavior when searching for work and assessing employ­ment conditions, the degree of deprivation and frustration among various ethnic and social groups. The study characterizes the models of adaptation to market realities for major ethnic groups. It is concluded that although market orientations and population values in the region are still forming, the speed and intensity of this process has slowed down in recent years. We notice a high level of frustration among the Russians in the Tuva Republic and a significant level of deprivation among the rural and young population.

Balakina G. F. [email protected]

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