Content №1 от 2017

Megapolises and megapolis-ness phenomenon in Russia

The hallmark of the current stage of the world socioeconomic development involves its accelerating growth, as well as an increasing significance of the largest cities with mega-cities (megapolises) coming to the fore. The paper emphasizes the persisting trend of the megapolises' strengthening leadership measured by the concentration of people, infrastructure, transport, services, and primarily regarding the growth rate of their area, which doubles that of the population. We contemplated specific features of a Russian megapolis as a system that marries characteristics of both megalopolises (integrating a set of urban agglomerations) and large administrative centers. We substantiated the notion of «megapolisness» as an assembly of functional, city planning (architectural) and ecosystem features. In contemporary Russia, these are typi­cal not only to million and over dwellers' cities but also to every regional admi­nistrative center or capital of the region. The article considers the impact of megapolisness phenomenon on the transformation of the existing system of settle­ment pattern, migration processes, and socioeconomic developments in Russia and evaluates this phenomenon including the role of megapolises as focal points for national reforms and new social structure. We discuss research trends in to­pical socioeconomic issues united under the title «Man in the Megapolis».

Leksin V. N. [email protected]

Porfiryev B. N. [email protected]

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