Content №3 от 2017

Spatial Development Features of Oil and Gas Services: Global Trends and Lessons for Russia

The article shows that the global spatial organization of oil and gas services is largely determined by the features of mineral resource assets, while Russian service companies are still referred  to  as  regional-level  actors.  The analysis establishes the key role of oil services in the innovative processes ongoing within the oil and gas sector. Knowledge-intensive services can significantly reduce the unit cost of incremental reserves and production costs. The processes of shaping and cultivating the oil-and-gas component of regional innovation systems are summarized in endogenous, network, and exogenous base models. There cannot be a single model of innovative development for the needs of the oil and gas sector in resource regions. It is expedient to form and develop such models with due account for a wide range of regional peculiarities. The results obtained demonstrate a need to strengthen the role of resource regions in regulating oil and gas services and innovative processes in the oil and gas sector. The study is oriented towards developing a methodo- logy to study innovative processes within the framework of regional socio-eco- nomic systems, as well as towards elaborating practical recommendations   on the development of oil and gas services in Russian resource regions.

Kriukov V. A. [email protected]

Tokarev A. N. [email protected]

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