Content №4 от 2017
Trans-Eurasian Transport Megaprojects: Project Intentions
The article gives a review of transport megaprojects expected to be carried out in Eurasia. We assess the existing latitudinal and meridional megaprojects in terms of their prospects and risks for Russia and its border regions, as well as for Eurasian countries in general. The article critically evaluates a project related to the New Silk Road, which consists of laying a road and a gas pipeline through the Ukok high-altitude plateau on the Altai border between China and Russia. As an alternative, we provide rationale for building up a meridional transport, economic and cultural Russian–Indian mega-corridor. We remark its potentialities in bringing economic benefits, solving border disputes, expan- ding cooperation among the Eurasian BRICS countries, overcoming cultural and environmental risks, as well as promoting interaction within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The article considers megaprojects an essential addition to Eurasian latitudinal ones and an important condition for strengthening the power of the Eurasian geopolitical world.
Ivanov A. V. [email protected]
Popkov Yu. V. [email protected]