Content №4 от 2017

Optimizing Planning of Innovative Process from New Product Development to Distribution

The organization of corporate planning from the development of new products to their distribution in the system of optimized intracompany management under risk and uncertainty of external and internal environment is a complex scientific and methodological problem. Currently, there are virtually no sound risk-management techniques at the level of industrial enterprises, so the research issue is undoubtedly topical. At the top level of management, key strategic indicators are achieved  by  the  development  and  implementation of innovations, mostly related to planning and producing new high-tech products. However, it is at this level that risk and uncertainty have the greatest impact on planning the design, production, and distribution of new products. Researchers suggest using stochastic graphs with backtracks for such planning. This idea is supported by an optimization model for corporate planning, which enables to assess the efficiency of new product development and distribution processes. In the article, we show the solution methodically and practically  by an example of a functioning instrument-making plant.

Titov V. V. [email protected]

Napreeva S. K. [email protected]

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