Content №1 от 2018

Multidimensional Structuring of Institutional Maintenance of Region’s Spatial Development: Principles and Methodology

The research justifies principles and a methodology of the multidimen­sional structuring of institutional maintenance of region’s social and economic development as a federal subject. It generalizes problems and trends of modern development affecting the structure of institutional maintenance. We compose a new approach to institutional maintenance ordering, which proves multi­dimensional characteristics of an institutional system across space and time. The article marks out elements of institutional maintenance (aims, institutions, mechanisms, and evaluations of results) and defines related concepts. Struc­turing principles are developed that consider management levels, territorial and sectoral aspects of the economy, a combination of strategic and tactical decisions, elements of a regional system, etc. The research methodology relies on a complex of approaches: subject-functional, system, organizational, strate­gic, and interdisciplinary. We design parameters for a multidimensional struc­tural model of region’s institutional system and examine their interrelations. The article contains recommendations on how to use this model to create an information retrieval system.

Shekhovtseva L. S. [email protected]

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