Content №3 от 2018

Differences in Staple Food Consumption Among the Northern Regions of Russia

The article analyzes the actual amount of food consumed by the northern Russian population in comparison with rational norms and national averages. We examine the differences in staple food consumption among the northern regions using the following statistical characteristics: mean value, range of va­riability, coefficient of skewness, and kurtosis. We identify that the inhabitants of the North under-consume certain food groups relative to the proposed standard. Their diet lacks complex carbohydrates, plant foods, eggs, and dairy products. The article establishes that the northern regions are characterized by asymmetric food consumption development, with increasing differences bet­ween regions rich and poor in mineral resources. We show that at present, the population of the North is largely limited in receiving proper nutrition by economic accessibility. We propose, on the one hand, to develop guidelines on rational nutrition for the northern population considering extreme envi­ronmental conditions and, on the other, to ensure the physical and economic accessibility of the recommended product set.

Mikusheva T. Yu. [email protected]

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