Content №3 от 2018

Verifying the Results of Genuine Savings Assessment in Regions

The article suggests an approach to verifying the results of genuine savings assessment in regions based on econometric modeling. It describes a metho­dology for calculating the components of genuine savings regarding the exis­ting statistical accounting system and evaluates the sustainable development of Siberian regions over the past ten years. We design a model to link genuine savings and future consumption. Having evaluated the model, we confirmed two hypotheses: first, genuine savings growth leads to an increase in the future well-being; secondly, the components of genuine savings are estimated cor­rectly. Therefore, based on the proposed approach to assessing genuine sa­vings, it is possible to formulate a methodology for calculating them as an indicator in the statistical accounting system of Russia, at which point the indicator can be included in the national program of following the principles of sustainable development as one of the sustainability indicators for de­cision-making in regional policy.

Syrtsova E. A. [email protected]

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