Content №4 от 2019
A Concept of Choice and Transforming Development Models in Kemerovo Oblast and Their Synchronization with the Kuzbass-2035 Strategy
The recent years in Kemerovo Oblast - Kuzbass saw a shift in regional power, which paved the way for designing and adopting the Strategy for the socio-economic development of Kemerovo Oblast until 2035 (the Kuzbass-2035 Strategy). The Strategy declared re-industrialization policy, accelerated socio-economic growth, and widespread clustering as primary drivers for regional development, as well as announced the idea of a «two-year breakthrough» (2018-2019). Kuzbass, as conceived by the Strategy’s authors, should become the leader in terms of development rates and standard of living among the regions east of the Urals. At the same time, these promises rely neither on the economic realities prevailing in the region nor on the assessment of its competitiveness. This article puts forward a hypothesis that all the development strategies executed in Kuzbass over the past two decades had failed due to the gap between the resource nature of the region and the local development models used in the region. The goal of the article is to select development models in Kemerovo Oblast, as well as to advise on their transformation and synchronization with the current region’s development strategy. The research findings are applicable to management practices in Kemerovo Oblast, especially those concerning the design and implementation of the mechanisms for harmonizing the interests of business, society, and government.
Loginova E. Yu. [email protected]