Content №1 от 2020

Determinants of Migration Behavior of Youth and Impact of Migration for Altai Krai

At the present day, there is no strict, systematized, and comprehensive list of determinants for the migration behavior of young people, despite this topic being relevant for the Russian regions due to the high number of young people migrating across the country. The authors present their original view of migra­tion behavior as a function with determinants, selected according to various migration theories and confirmed by migration studies carried out in Russia and abroad, which made it possible to identify the main trends and peculiarities of young people’s migration behavior in the current context. We analyze youth migration in the Siberian Federal District, Altai Krai specifically, and reveal possible consequences of significant migratory outflows of young people to neighboring regions. The conducted analysis is based on Rosstat data and research of both foreign and domestic scientists in the field of migration.

Dolzhenko R. A. [email protected]

Lobova S. V. [email protected]

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