Content №2 от 2020

Urban Studies and Urban Economics: Theories, Domestic and International Practices, Training

This article provides a thorough review of a new textbook “Urban Studies. Urban Economics, Development and Governance" from a collective body led by Prof. and D.Sc. (Econ.) L.E. Limonov. We have analyzed in great detail all parts of this monumental work, identified the textbook’s strengths and sugges­ted improvements for possible reprints. Such a critical review takes into account our academic position and experience, which is expressed in comments on present-day urbanization trends within the information society and digital economy.
We conclude that there is great merit in this textbook, which is an organic combination of theory and practice of urban studies and economics, on the one hand, plus domestic and international experience, on the other. It is one of the few textbooks on urbanism that describes some of the activities related to urban development management in a fairly comprehensive manner. The textbook is based on the creative use of contemporary research and study materials on economics of Russian and foreign origin, detailed statistics, and author’s developments. It can be useful not only for students in higher education but also for state and municipal officials in their professional retraining.
As remarks, we propose to enhance the sections about new urbanization trends against the challenges and threats of the XXI century. Thus, it is recom­mended to include the following new sections in the textbook: Digital Economy and Urban Development; Green Economy and Urban Development; Creative Cities as National Innovation and Communication Hubs; Cognitive Geoinfor­matics and Intellectual Geoinformatics Systems in Urban Development and Governance, etc. We also critically evaluate the sections dedicated to the cur­rent urban development planning and urbanization trends in Russia, which in our opinion are too “neutral" and do not fully cover complex problems pertaining to the development and management of Russian cities.
Overall, “‘Urban Studies. Urban Economics, Development and Gover­nance " receives an exceptionally high appraisal. The review shows that the text­book can be of great use to its main target audience (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students specializing in economics and economic geography; state and municipal officials) and that it holds the potential for regular ““upda­tes " of the material constantly supplemented with novel information, best urban development practices, video lessons, news items, and others. This will provide an opportunity for a future reader to experience almost all aspects of urban studies, urban economics, social environment in modern cities, and municipal development management.

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

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