Content №1 от 2022

Agro-Industrial Regions in a Context of the Russian Territorial and Sectoral Structure Development: Changes in the Composition and in Socio-Economic Characteristics

The article presents the results in a study of Russian agro-industrial regions as a special group of territorial socio-economic systems with the features of economy and social sphere development and problems of prospects forming. The presented results complement the materials previously published in “Region: Economics and Sociology " (2019, No. 2), which reveal the spe­cifics of the development of agro-industrial regions in statics. The purpose of this article is to identify changes in composition of agro-industrial regions, as well as dynamics of their socio-economic and demographic development for almost three decades.
We describe a methodology and results of the transformation that the ter­ritorial and sectoral structure of the Russian economy underwent. The article studies the shifts in the territorial and sectoral structure of the Russian econo­my, evaluates the changes that have occurred in each type of region, and cha­racterizes the level and dynamics of the gross regional product of the agro-in­dustrial regions.
We consider the socio-economic and demographic dynamics of the ag­ro-industrial regions against the background of Russia. The population inco­mes, poverty, and inequality in the agro-industrial regions are described depending on the economic period characteristics. Regional differentiation for these indicators is assessed. The agro-industrial regions demonstrate the heterogeneity of demographic space. Regional grouping is proposed in terms of the level and nature of demographic development. The research reveals how the regions demographic characteristics depend on their centro-peripheral position.
We present an integrated estimate of the well-being dynamics of the ag­ro-industrial regions on economic, social, and demographic indicators. On the one hand, they show a lack of correlation between the economic and social well-being in regions; on the other hand, the demographic well-being is not associated with those as well. The study concludes with exhibiting the unique traits of each agro-industrial regions.

Trotskovsky A. Ya. [email protected]

Perekarenkova Yu. A. [email protected]

Rodionova L. V. [email protected]

Sergiyenko A. M. [email protected]

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