Content №4 от 2022

Strategy Decay: Definition and Evaluation Methods

The article is dedicated to studying the phenomenon of decay (loss of re­levance) of strategic documents at the regional and municipal levels in Russia. By analyzing major news sources, we show that Russian strategic planning documents are static, “sluggish," and unable to respond to rapid changes in the social, economic, political, and cultural environment (as in the case of the coronaviruspandemic). This leads to their rapid semantic degradation, the loss of their connection with current socio-economic challenges. It has been re­vealed that the duration of decay time differs among regions and municipa­lities, as well as among individual cities and regions, depending on local conditions. According to our estimates, a regional strategy decays and fully dies out within two to three years, while the same period is one to one and a half years for a municipal one, which is, in fact, equal to the time these strategies are drafted.

Akimova V, V. [email protected]

Voloshinskaya A. A. [email protected]

Komarov V. F. [email protected]

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