Content №2 от 2023

Peculiarities of Assessing the Socio-Economic Effectiveness of Comprehensive Investment Projects for Innovation Infrastructure: a Case Study of the ISTC on Russky Island

The purpose of this study is to scientifically substantiate an integrated methodology for assessing the socio-economic effectiveness of comprehensive investment projects (CIPs) that follows sustainable development principles and international evaluation approaches. This is achieved by examining investment projects aimed at creating innovative infrastructure in the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) as a case study. The object of this study is the CIPs imple­mented in the FEFD. The subject of the study is the set of forecast socio-eco­nomic effects and outcomes resulting from the implementation of these invest­ment projects for innovation infrastructure in the region.
The article discusses the main ways the government supports CIPs in the FEFD and explores different approaches to evaluating these projects. To enhance sustainable regional development and maximize positive so­cio-economic impacts, we analyze existing and suggest new methods for asses­sing and planning the implementation of CIPs. We study the economic cha­racteristics and types of effects generated by these projects. Additionally, our research looks at foreign approaches to evaluating the public (economic) efficiency of investment projects and offers a critical analysis of domestic methods used for assessing and selecting investment projects for state support.
The article also addresses the challenges and features of methodological support for evaluating the public (economic) efficiency of CIPs. We introduce a scientific novelty by adapting existing domestic and foreign methodological approaches and modifying relevant tools to achieve the goal of the study. Moreover, we conduct experimental calculations on the Russky Island ISTC Project, resulting in a quantitative assessment of its societal effectiveness based on the types of effects generated. The study’s findings will enhance the accuracy of decision-making regarding budget investments and state support measures for individual projects. It will also provide a systematic framework for priori­tizing the portfolio of existing and prospective projects (with a state support reorientation on projects maximizing public benefit). Furthermore, the study will contribute to improving the structure of initiated projects in favor of more societally effective implementation options.

Kuznetsov M. E. [email protected]

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