Content №4 от 2023

Assessing the Impact of Socio-Economic Development Levels on Migration Dynamics in Russian Regions through Parametric Analysis

In the current context, effectively managing interregional migration flows is a vital tool for implementing state policies related to socio-demographic and economic development within territorial systems. This management also plays a significant role in ensuring national security. This article focuses on analy­zing key trends, dynamics, and migration patterns within the Russian Fede­ration, using the Republic of Bashkortostan, one of the country’s most populous regions with substantial migration activity, as a case study. By employing statistical data analysis methods, we identify the primary factors that underpin the relationship between key socio-economic indicators of regional develop­ment and the mobility of its residents. We propose a clustering approach to group Russian regions based on their attractiveness for migration. Finally, we present a framework for calculating an integrated measure of migration attractiveness among Russian regions using parametric and cluster analysis methods.

Nizamutdinov M. M. [email protected]

Akhmetzianova M. I. [email protected]

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