Content №4 от 2024

Assessing the Contributions of Companies by Age and Size to Regional Market Development

This article, building on theories that explore the causes and factors of company growth, focuses on identifying growing companies as a key element in developing high-tech businesses. It presents a methodology for categorizing companies that influence regional market dynamics, where the regional market is defined as the set of companies within a specific region. The categorization is based on company size (four levels) and age (four levels), grouping companies from each region into 16 distinct size and age categories. This methodology is tested against high-tech business development in Russia’s eastern regions. Despite regional variations in the revenue structure of high-tech businesses, large mature companies are found to dominate across all regions. Analyzing the contribution of different size and age groups to overall regional revenue growth reveals the groups driving growth in each region. Targeted state support for these key groups could have a more significant impact on regional economic development. The proposed methodology can also be applied to assess growth dynamics in other industries and regions.

Khalimova S. R. [email protected]

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