Content №4 от 2024
Socio-Economic Determinants of Urban Community Consolidation in the Border Central Black Earth Regions of Russia
The greatest opportunity to enhance quality of life lies in maximizing the potential of rural areas for recreational use and as new residential locations. This research identifies the main motives and factors influencing tourists and new rural residents when selecting places to relax or live. Nature, the absence of city noise, rural heritage and culture, and the availability of locally sourced, healthy foods were found to be the primary factors of small rural areas’ attractiveness. The study also highlights that further development of local gastronomy would enhance these areas’ appeal. Respondents believe that increasing tourist flow to rural regions-which they predict will rise annually-will contribute to the socio-economic development of the countryside.
The study was conducted using empirical methods, including sociological surveys and semi-structured interviews during the 11th expedition of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages and Towns of Russia, Reviving the Love for Rural Russia. The expedition took place in the Russian North from October 2 to 13, 2023, with support from the student expedition competition “Rediscovering Russia" ( and the Vologda Oblast administration.
Merzlov A. V. [email protected]
Vorontsova N. V. [email protected]