Content №4 от 2024

Features of Institutional Mechanisms in the Innovative Development of Russian Regions

This paper investigates the structure and specific features of the under­explored synergies in institutional interactions within the triple helix model, which reflects the development of Russia’s innovative economy. The evidence is based on regional statistics from the constituent entities of the Russian Fede­ration. Multidimensional classification methods, statistical hypothesis testing, and the analysis of relationships in complex institutional systems are employed. The study reveals significant regional disparities in the formation of an inno­vative economy.
The classic triple helix model is implemented in less than 30% of Russia’s regions. In most of them, the innovation sector is either dominated by industrial enterprises that interact poorly with the scientific and educational sectors, or the scientific sector is insufficiently focused on applied outcomes. The lack of institutional intermediaries hampers the model’s full potential. The article highlights the presence of both established and emerging institutional spheres in Russia’s innovation economy. The practical implementation of the triple helix model depends on so-called “windows of opportunity, " determined by regional factors and federal institutional policies. The study’s findings are recommended for use in shaping regional innovation and cluster policies, as well as in strategic planning for interregional innovation cooperation.

Yagolnitser M. A. [email protected]

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