Content №4 от 2024

Siberian Peripheral District: Stability or Stagnation?

The article considers the structural and institutional factors that have determined the levels and dynamics of macroeconomic indicators in the Sibe­rian Federal District (SFD) over the past 20 years. A trend of peripheralization is revealed, manifested in the fact that most of the district’s socio-economic indicators lag behind the national average. We highlight the reasons behind changes in the structure of economic activity and income, as recorded by official statistics, which have led to income concentration in capital regions. At the same time, non-capital regions show reduced formal participation in overall outcomes. The resulting gap between the actual distribution of pro­ductive forces and the macroeconomic indicators reflects an inter-regional redistribution of financial resources, contributing to strong disparities in living standards. The article also underscores the role of sectoral restructuring in the SFD’s lagging labor productivity. Lastly, the opportunities and limi­tations for economic growth in the district, in relation to labor and investment resources, are analyzed.

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Melnikova L. V. [email protected]

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