Content №1 от 2005

The meta-systemic approach to evaluation of region’s level

The author invites to see the life of the modern society from a view of a meta-systemic structure consisting of three basic functional elements, i.e., natural environment, socium and economy. This approach to the current stage of social development means a qualitatively new perception of regional tendencies. It helps to apply general criteria of social progress to the concrete historical period. These meta-systemic principles are operative at any level of social structure. The regional level is looked at as the local initial link of sustainable life activity, and this opens new opportunities to interdisciplinary scientific research. It is on the regional level that tendencies forming the general picture of social and economic transformations leading the RF to the open market springs out.

Vaneyeva T. A.

Siberian market of iron scrap

The object of analysis is the Siberian market of iron scrap. This market depends on internal limitations, pressure of demand from China and from other Asian countries and on the growth rate of domestic metallurgy. The cyclic recurrence of prices is analyzed by reduction of price changes to the same periods. It is also suggested that the ratio of the internal Chinese-to-world prices of iron scrap be taken as an indicator of the pressure import from Siberia on the Chinese iron scrap market.

Voronov Iu. P. [email protected]

Dudoviyev A. O.

The set of documents for coordination of regional development

The paper considers the coordinating role of the state in the regional development of the country. Different views on the make-up of the national and regional economic pre-predictive, predictive and programmatic documents fixed in legislation, practically used by the RF Government or proposed by researchers are examined, and their specific outline that will help strengthen the regional aspect in the long-term, mid-term and current federal and sub-federal policy is proposed. The paper presents description of basic documents revealing the regional specifics.

Larina N. I.

The current transfer mechanism

The transfer mechanism which was meant to counteract regional imbalances has had a special place in the federal policy of regional equalization. However, since its appearance and actually up to now it has been under severe criticism, and its ten-year jubilee is a good time to concentrate all attention on its unsolved problems. The paper is intended to elucidate, by use of a broad set of empirical data for the last four years, the causes for discontent expressed mainly by region-donors and to formulate the consequences of the federal policy of budgetary equalization on the territory of the Siberian Federal District.

Lavrovsky B. L. [email protected]

Postnikova Ye. A.

Gubareva Ye. Yu.

Preconditions for appearance of clusters in the economy of the Krasnoyarsk kray

The paper reveals the benefits of the cluster theory adapted as an instrument improving regional competitiveness. The analysis of the definition of clusters given by M. Porter and of the structure of the Russian economy at its present stage has shown good prospects for the implementation of cluster schemes. The emphasis is made on the basic trajectories of development that include vertically integrated structures, horizontal networks and strategic alliances. Possible uses of cluster schemes are shown on the case of the Krasnoyarsk kray: key blocks identified and cluster possibilities in these blocks analyzed.

Ferova I. S.

Evaluation of production potential of consumer cooperation

An algorithm for estimation of the production potential of an economic agent and the integral indicator of its estimate are suggested. This approach is unconventional in the multivariate statistical analysis and presents a convenient instrument for comprehensive estimate not only of a consumer’s cooperation but of any economic agent. The procedure of estimating the potential of a multivariate dynamic entity is shown on the case of the district level of the consumer union, and this has allowed the author to determine the weight of each characteristic in the integral estimate and sort them by priority in management.

Itsenkov O. O.

Integral indicators of the quality of life of regional population

The paper considers basic approaches to the estimation of the latent characteristic of the quality of life and most often used methods of building the integral indicators. Two schemes of indicators based on statistics without use of expert information are in the focus. One is based on the method of principal components as a mechanism to decrease dimensionality, the other is based on regression analysis and instrumental variables. These methods are used to build and substantively interpret the life quality indicators for towns and districts of the Perm region.

Isakin M. A.

Regional problems in policy of innovation

The object of analysis is the difference between present priorities of economic growth and new strategically crucial tendencies in the young innovative system of Russia. Considered are such blocks of the innovative system as production of knowledge and academic environment, scientific-technological race instead of scientific-technological progress, increased influence of intellectual potential on the economic growth, global scientific-technological entrepreneurship in connection with technoparks. The current stage in the restructuring of the innovative system and its regional consequences as well as regional variation in innovative potential are characterized and new directions in the state policy of innovation system are suggested.

Beketov N. V.

Participation of the state in science and education.

The paper presents a classification of science-and- education conceptions and analyzes the conception developed at the MinSciEd described here as governmental-bureaucratic. This conception in which on behalf of the state the bureaucrats suggest their definition of goals and principles of the state policy allegedly with a view to optimization of the size and structure of the governmental sector of science for effective execution of public functions actually entirely ignores Russia’s geopolitical and geo-economic interests in the Asian-Pacific region. If this conception is implemented, a great damage will be made to Russian industrial capacity and, in particular, to its eastern regions. The experience of the USA and western areas of China in the development of the intellectual resources is considered.

Dubnov A. P.

Nietrunenko Yu. I.

Promotion of innovation at the Siberian Branch of the RAS.

The paper examines the practical application of the research carried out recently at the institutes of the SB RAS by comparing their performance in patent-license activity with that in the USA. It analyzes factors underlying the low commercialization at the SB RAS institutes and indicates economic and legislative measures which, in the authors’ opinion, must be undertaken by the government to create the economic and other conditions required for the innovative activity in the country and to remove the obstacles to this activity existing in the academic institutions.

Zadorozhny V. M.

Loburets Yu. V.

Solvency of territorial units (the case of the Novosibirsk region)

The paper examines solvency of the Novosibirsk region with identification of crucial methodical blocks. It presents procedures for estimation of region’s solvency. A special feature of this approach is its focus on factors of solvency and on possibilities of its improvement. The methods address the needs of executive bodies who are sending their impulses on the factors of solvency.

Kravchenko N. A. [email protected]

Kolomak Ie. A. [email protected]

Problems of railway high-speed running

The paper considers the railway high-speed running. It reviews foreign and domestic experience in construction and operation of high-speed lines in different countries, its problems associated with the designs of the rolling-stock and transport infrastructure, economic problems in designing the international transport corridors, including those in latitudinal Euro-Asian direction and Trans-Siberian railway line.

Bykadorov S. A. [email protected]

Energy strategry of the Khabarovsk kray: main points

The paper considers key problems of the fuel and energy complex of the Khabarovsk kray. Substantiated are scenarios of this complex to 2015. The major priorities are reliable and diversified supply of fuel and energy, implementation of a comprehensive gas project and, on this basis, gas supply to consumers, changed structure of electric power generation and construction of a number of major projects in the energy system of the region, maintenance of own coal production basis and restructuring of the Urgal group of coal mining companies, development of the energy-saving policy in manufacturing, transport, utilities, technical updating and restructuring of electric public utility.

Ishayev V. I.

Minakir P. A. [email protected]

Saneev B. G. [email protected]

The structure of city management

In the last decade the problems of local government have been dealt with by regional executive bodies mostly with administrative methods. Municipalities, on the other hand, emphasized the role of the residents in the government of the territory and in businesses using largely economic means. The authors contend, on the case of the city of Mezhdurechensk, that the existing structure of government in the city requires functional instead of structural changes. The directions toward perfecting the structure of city management aimed to create conditions for more effective use of its economic potential are shown.

Churkin V. G.

Shabashev V. A.

Evaluation of rational use of regional economic potential

The paper considers methodical issues in rational use of the regional economic potential. It suggests indicators for evaluation and ways of their estimation. Possibilities stemming from the use of the suggested indicators are demonstrated.

Kosterova R. Ya.

Berchenko N. G.

Cooperative government on the territories of indigenous peoples of the North

The paper presents a case of Canada in the sphere of administration of areas populated by indigenous northern peoples. These areas are a cross-roads of the interests of local population, state and business. This paper provides a detailed description of the new principle of cooperative government on the territories of indigenous peoples that has allowed the Canadian government to change its ways in dealing with relationships and nature management in the north of the country. It cites a specific case of this principle of cooperative management in the Yukon's Cluane National Park and directions for the application of the Canadian experience in the northern areas of Russia and, in particular, in the Irkutsk region.

Saratovsky T. S.

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