Суспицын С. А.
Suspitsyn S. A.

№2 Gradients in the Evolution of Russia’s Multiregional System2023
№4 Cyclical Models of Economic Relations between Regions, the Federal Center, and Business Structures2022
№3 Macrostructural and Spatial Disparities in the Economy of Russia and its Eastern Regions and Ways to Reduce Them2021
№3 A Set of Methods and Procedures for Analyzing and Forecasting the Development of the Russian East2020
№3 Regional specification for macroeconomic targets in Russia’s development forecast2019
№3 Regulative Mechanisms of Evolution of Multiregional System in Russia2018
№3 Developing the Methodology of Theoretical and Applied Research of Spatial Systems2017
№4 Project SIRENA: from Concept to Technology2016
№1 Problems of coordination between macroeconomic and long-term regional solutions2015
№3 A Method for the Early Assessment of GRP and its Test Results2014
№3 Measurements in the Space of Regional Indicators: Methodology, Methods, Results2013
№4 Economic Development Incentive Strategies in the National Economy№3 Evolution of the Spatial Structure of the Russian Economy in 2007-2012
№3 Accelerated socio-economic development in the Russian regions: factors and mechanisms№2 Siberian school of regional studies within the framework of the program on Fundamental Issues of Spatial Development: Interdisciplinary Synthesis launched by the Presidium of the SB RAS
№1 Regional appreciations: technique andempiricalmeasurements
№4 The development of the Siberian regions in the context of a genetic scenario№2 Spatial structure of the Russian economy: analyzing its dynamics through application of genotyping methods
№2 HowRussianregionscomeoutoftherecession
№4 Assessing potential growths in Russian regions through regional phenotypes№3 Spatial transformations: forecasts and assessments made by using a complex of hierarchy calculations concerning the development of the multiregional structure of the Russian Federation
№2 Russian regions in the period between two crisis of 1998 and 2008
№4 Sustainable spatial transformations in Russia: measurement concept and methodology№4 World crisis and Russian spatial socio-economic development strategy
№3 Comparative assessment of post-crisis restart of regional economic growth (perspectives for the near future)
№2 Assessing sustainable transformations in socio-economic space
№2 Siberian socio-economic development and the system of global and Russian economic relations
№2 Financial and economic crisis: attempting to assess its influence on the regional development
№1 Conceptual models for strategic forecasting and indicative planning of the regional development
№1 Rapid assessment of probable impact of the financial crisis on the long-term development in the Novosibirsk Oblast
№4 Indicative planning development models for resource regions№2 Studies of territorial systems
№2 Economic-mathematical studies of multiregional systems
№4 New techniques for measuring spatial transformation of economy№3 Composite indices for RF regions in 2001-2009
№2 Regional economies in 2006 and their development prospect
№1 Measurement and analysis of the threshold indicator values for regional clusters
№4 Macroeconomic Estimations in Siberian Development Strategy№4 Novosibirsk Oblast Development Strategy: Extreme Scenarios within Socio-Economic Development Strategy
№2 Pussia's regions on the way to doubling of economic potential Some results of the regional development in Russia in 2005
№1 Spatial transformations of Russia’s economy in extreme scenarios of its development: the problem and empirical estimations
№1 Summary indexes for the RF regions across federal districts, 2005.
№4 Development strategies for Siberia: macroeconomic and spatial projections№4 Receptiveness of regional economies to investments in fixed capital
№3 Pre-project evaluations of regional investment initiatives
№3 Index-deflators of the gross regional product in 2001-2004
№2 Tabulated indices of economic state of the regions of the Russia in 2004
№1 Regional rise in prices, 2000 - 2004
№4 Potentialities and limitations of spatial transformations in the economy№2 Where in Russia you fare well: analytical comments to the data of current statistics for 2003
№1 Statistical measurements of regional appreciations and a posteriori assessment of priorities of federal social-economic policy
№2 Spatial effect of state regulation2002
№2 Approaches to the evaluation of priorities in regional investment policy2001
№3 Regional programming and spatial differences: limitations and opportunities№3 A conception of budgetary management in a region
№1 Principles and methodological schemes of building investment transfers of state support of regional development