Content №3 от 2018

Developing the Methodology of Theoretical and Applied Research of Spatial Systems

The article describes the findings and research plans of the Territorial Systems Department at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS. The main areas of its work include as follows: expounding on the theory of territorial production complexes; designing a methodology for fore­casting and analyzing the development of problem regions; applied research of Russia’s spatial development based on interregional input-output optimi­zation models; elaborating on the theory of spatial equilibrium and models of interregional economic interactions; analyzing and forecasting inter-level relations in the «national economy-regions» system within Project SIRENA; measuring and forecasting spatial distribution of economic activity in Russia; modeling and applied studies on the socio-economic development of Siberia and the Russian North in the system of interregional input-output and level-to-level interrelations; analyzing the impact of institutional design on the proportions of national and regional spatial development.

Kolomak Ie. A. [email protected]

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

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