Content №3 от 2019

Regulative Mechanisms of Evolution of Multiregional System in Russia

The article analyzes the features of the social and economic development in Russia and its regions between 2001 and 2018 in their effect on implementing strategic tasks formulated for the period up to 2024 in a major package consisting of the Laws of the Russian Federation, Presidential Decrees and Government Executive Orders on ensuring sustainable progressive socio-eco­nomic development of the country, adopted by the early 2019. We discuss a number of important policy documents, aimed at a qualitative change in the country’s economic situation: Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Natio­nal Projects, designed in accordance with the 2018 May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation; Forecast of the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2024, prepared by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development; Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025, approved by the Government Order.
The article substantiates a concept of constructing a genetic scenario for the development of a multi-regional system in the Russian Federation relying on a synthetic generation between the essential features of the project and evolu­tionary economics. We define a methodical scheme for organizing calculations under such a scenario based on a systematic compilation of best regional management practices.
We used calculations to check the design of a system that should consist of 32 Russian macro-regions selected according to similar development con­ditions and types. We compare it with the system of 12 macro-regions proposed in the Strategy for Spatial Development of the Russian Federation. We carried out calculations for the proposed system of macro-regions and analyzed both their results and some results of calculations for regions in the Siberian Federal District. In conclusion, we put forward some suggestions on how to improve the state regional socio-economic policy based on the experience of constructing genetic scenarios for the development of the regional system in the country.

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

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