Content №2 от 2005
The economic growth in a system of regions: a theoretical model
The paper formulates a theoretical model of economic growth in a spatial system of interrelated regions that captures the effect of interregional operations on national growth and validates a strong regional policy from the central government. The model implications and possible consequences of central investment policy on regional development are studied with simulation experiments. The calculations have shown that goals of promoting national growth and goals of weakening regional disparities are not incompatible.
Problems and perspectives of the state administrative reform
The paper examines stages in the establishment and development of federal relations in Russia, where each stage is a necessary element in the evolution of state building. While in the early 1990s it was necessary to gain federal control over spontaneous processes of disintegration, at present it is necessary to adopt federal laws regulating budgetary and tax powers, spending obligations and income sources as well as to assign federal, regional and local jurisdictions.
Perspectives of subsidy-free development of the Republic of Tyva
In the program of social and economic development of the Republic of Tyva to 2010 considered in the paper the development of infrastructural sectors and, in particular, of transport is emphasized as an essential precondition for investment activity in the region’s economy. Such projects however are not attractive for private sector and make a classic field for cooperation of central and regional bodies of state power. The paper provides economic justification on construction of the Kyzyl-Minusinsk (Kuragino) railway required in respect with the development of the Elegestsky coal field and other parts of the mineral complex. It is argued that with pulling together central, regional and private resources will make this complex of projects economically payable.
Markova V. M. [email protected]
Razbegin V. N. [email protected]
Behavior of prices in the secondary market of housing in Novosibirsk
The object of analysis is the behavior of aggregate prices in the secondary housing market of Novosibirsk, that is, the average price of 1 sq. m of total dwelling space and average price of a housing unit, the dynamics of nominal, comparable and dollar prices and specific features of prices in selected spells of the covered period.
Regional development funds as an instrument of financial aid to local budgets
Regional and municipal development funds present a new and not quite established form of financial distribution from federal and regional budgets to regional and local levels, respectively. The practice has shown that the experience of federal/regional monetary relations can be successfully employed at the regional level too. Therefore, the proposals on methods of distribution of resources from the regional development fund made at the federal level can be borrowed for dealing with a similar fund at the sub-federal level.
Social development of Siberia: horizons and strategies in the beginning of the 21st century
The paper presents a medium-run conceptual project of the development of Siberia. The main strategy in the social policy of century XXI must be development of human potential, which constitutes a critical resource for economic growth and social progress. The paper analyses basic challenges, priorities and programming actions within the regional social policy taken as of a part of the general state policy; estimates anticipated changes in social parameters of the Siberian Federal District; discloses mechanisms for the implementation of the proposed measures on the basis of well balanced division of social responsibility between state, business and population.
Kalugina Z. I. [email protected]
Soboleva S. V. [email protected]
Interregional evaluation of foreign trade projects
The inter-industry interregional model is used to estimate the efficiency of foreign trade. While with conventional approaches to foreign deliveries and their structure only their direct effect on changes in the financial standing of immediate exporters and importers is included in estimations, the inter-industry instruments allow us to take account also of the total result of both all facilities and of the foreign trade as a whole. Concrete examples include the tasks of the well known large transport projects in the east of the country and estimation of economic security, which is close to foreign trade forecasting. Interregional approach is demonstrated on interdependence of variants in the functioning of the North-Siberian and Central-Siberian mainlines.
Factors underlying the poor state of health of the residents in Siberia
The modern science has enough evidence that mortality in Russia is determined by general and special factors of objective and subjective nature. The first group, i.e. the objective general factors, include: state of environment, poor infrastructure of cities and villages, the genome of Russian population, low-productive use of labor resource, complexity in the organization of social and family relations. The subjective and special factors include people’s goals and motives with respect to their future, the low standard of everyday life, low level of the health culture, lack of harmony between physical and personal development, etc. The pathogenetic effect of the both groups of factors can be estimated with the help of the well-known Gomperz-Makem formula in the system of region’s economic planning which should lead to a more precise population forecast.
Birth rate in the Republic of Komi: trends and projection
The paper analyzes tendencies of the birth rate movement in the Republic of Komi in the second half of the 20th century as well as factors underlying this movement and changes in the reproductive behavior of the population. Found are some factors indicating prospects for its stabilization in the first decade of the 21st century.
Regional variation in well-being in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The paper examines different interpretations of the “well-being” category and parameters of its evaluation. The regional well-being differentiation in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed with the index method using indicators of different dimensions. The regions of the republic divided according to the well-being of their residents exhibit the interdependence between their well-being and economic structure.
Partnership of state with private entrepreneurs in transport
A very useful and new for Russia idea of financing the transport infrastructural projects from the resources of private investors is discussed in the paper. It shows the world experience in such partnership and concrete examples from different transport sectors. A special emphasis is made on the railway tunnel under the English Channel and the geopolitical and strategic importance for Russia of the schemes of government-private partnership for creation of transcontinental main lines.
State-private partnership in the sphere of innovations: regional aspect
The paper examines the USA experience in state-private partnerships in the innovation sphere, which can be successfully used in Russia in her shift to innovations. It shows the increased role of states (regions) in the formation of innovative strategies through employment of state-private partnerships (SPP) of different forms. A special group of partnerships result from cooperation ties between the national research fund, states, business and universities. There is an innovative partnership formed jointly by the Association of Governors and the Board on Science and Technology under the presidential administration and the US Ministry of Trade. In Russia, some forms of its state-private partnerships are similar to their world analogues, others are indigenous. A number of problems that may impede the regional SPP are mentioned.
Interrelationship of state finances and finances of enterprises: analysis of social efficiency of investment projects: analysis of social efficiency of investment projects
The paper proposes procedures for evaluation of projects’ social efficiency tested on an innovative project “Development and Commercial Diffusion of New Generation of Catalysts and Catalytic Technologies for Production of Petrols”. It substantiates the need of state financial support for this project and analyzes proportions of state to private contributions to efficiency evaluation of investment projects included in the system of management of public finances.
Orientation to the diversity of the entrepreneurial community as the precondition for efficiency of the tax system
The paper examines the effect of demographic characteristics of enterprises (registration of new enterprises, reorganization of existing ones as well as liquidation of earlier created enterprises) and tax payer scope of activity (large, mid-sized and small) on the functioning of the system of taxation. It reveals some inconsistencies between the tax system characteristics and new tendencies in the tax payer structure and justifies somewhat different legal regulation and strategy of tax control according to different segments of tax payers. The conclusion is that the tax system will be functioning efficiently if it is tailored to the diversity of the entrepreneurs.
Indicators of region’s competitiveness: European approach
The paper examines regional indicators developed by the European Union and used by the European Commission. The EU experience in the development of regions through promoting structural competitiveness against price competitiveness seems to be much more suitable to the Russian situation than the policy of competitive advantages based on extremely low wage and tax rate.
Institutional field of positive programs for northern indigenous peoples in the sphere of mineral extraction
The positive program for northern indigenous peoples (NIP) implies not only the existence of an adequate system of norms and rules regulating the relations between NIP and mineral users but also the existence of adequate organizational and economic structures providing the enforcement of these rules. However, the institutional medium that is currently being formed in NIP places in Russia is more oriented to survival than to social and economic development. The goal should be creation of such rules and norms that not only would let the NIP preserve their identity but also provide them with a possibility to lead their traditional way of life on the basis of a wide use of modern technical achievements. One of the possible ways is to form a system of corporations (companies) for NIP regional development that would be indispensable participants not only in the process of bargaining with mineral users but also their service providers.