Content №4 от 2005

The Siberian Federal District: status quo and perspectives of development

The paper considers the economic development trends of the Siberian Federal District (SFD) in comparison with the national trends. It notes similarity between mega-district and national economic and demographic processes, processes of reproduction and industry-related distribution of labor and the precedence of national over purely regional economic conditions in the economic development of the district. The authors find serious enough distortions in the national statistics, the explanation of which would require a special study. Stated are mostly negative changes in the indicators characterizing the role of the SFD in the national economy. It cites a brief characteristic of mid-term prediction of the economic development across territories carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) and forecast estimations carried by the authors over the last years on the basis of multiregional multisectoral models. One of the main conclusions is pessimistic prediction on the perspective economic development of the SFD if the present market model of the Russian economy remains unchanged.

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Ibragimov N. M.

Melnikova L. V. [email protected]

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