Content №4 от 2006

Changes in Siberian Fuel Balance: Ecological and Economic Consequences

The paper considers the possible variants of economic losses caused by a man-caused impact of the coal-energy industry on the environment in the Eastern Russia for the period of time up to 2020 (such as: if negative trends in worsening the public environmental protection remain; or if the policy aimed at reducing a man-caused impact through applying the existed environmental protection technologies will be carried out; or if the pollution-free technologies are being introduced). The paper describes a methodological approach to a comparative analysis of applying the market instruments provided by the Kyoto’s Agreement (such as the quarters on gas emission or joint projects). The article includes a case-study on the analysis of applying several technologies of a prior methane degassing.

Zhuravel N. M. [email protected]

Merkuliev A. V.

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
