Content №1 от 2007

Traditional centralism or new regionalism: approaches to the regional development policy

To strengthen the centralization is a leitmotiv in the public regional policy. To some extent, this could be regarded as a justified policy aimed to meet a severe crisis and to conduct market reforms. However, presently a centralized model has completely exhausted its constructive potentialities and transformed into a hindrance to the regional development. Further exercising this model and strengthening the centralization not only fail to give any positive effect in future but also will deteriorate the state of affairs. Liberalization, being the only way to change drastically the regional policies, could provide an opportunity to use new factors of the regional development such as the decentralization of resources and powers, independence in policy-making, competition and strategic marketing which could be regarded as the major features of the new regional policies.

Shvetzov A. N. [email protected]

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