Content №4 от 2007

Socio-economic development strategy for Siberia: urgent aspects

The paper analyses the positive and negative trends in the development of Siberia. Despite the better economic situation, some pressing and unresolved problems have left, and they constitute altogether a situation of crisis in this macroregion. The ideas of the socio-economic development in Siberia developed in 1998, 2002 and 2005, and presented in the relative strategic and programming documents could be evidently realized through significant federal funding. The reason is –a vague national policy concerning the priorities and ways of Siberian development made such large-scale projects of a higher investment risk. Today federal government has changed its attitude towards Siberia – the region should be developed and populated. In the experts’ opinion, this drastically has decreased the risks for private businesses operating in Siberia or planning their enlargement. In a new economic and political context, the operation of federal, regional and municipal authorities, business and civil society is extremely important to be coordinated according to the principles of private-public cooperation, and the Economic Development Strategy for Siberia - to be renewed. It should include a set of the interdependent and mutually agreed business-investment projects and the regional components of ongoing or planning federal conditional programs as well as the regional conditional programs. The paper states the objectives and goals of such strategy.

Kazakevich E. A.

Psarev V. V.

Psareva T. V. [email protected]

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