Content №4 от 2001

Analysis and forecast of social-economic development by use of Markov models: Interregional aspect

The paper considers the use of Markov models in studies of interregional reconciliation of rates and proportions in regional development. Proposed is a system of models of analysis and forecasting including a forecasting model of logistical ties among regions and a Markov forecasting model of equilibrium prices in interregional exchange. The forecasting model of logistical ties is reconciled, in its turn, with models of RF regions' relations and with the Markov forecasting model of equilibrium prices in interregional exchange. This system of models allows, on the basis of available statistical information, to get forecasting estimations of regional development and equilibrium prices of interregional exchange.

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Zaikin V. S.

Pavlov V. N. [email protected]

Sokolov V. M.

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