Content №4 от 2002

Development strategy for Siberia: comparison of variants and lines of further research

On the 7th June 2002 the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Strategy of the Economic Development for Siberia. The question arises about the choice of directions of further research supporting this strategy and its adaptation to possible political, economic and social scenarios of events in Russia and the world due to globalisation of world economic relationships. In other words, what actions must be implemented within the strategy to achieve a guaranteed result, i.e., an acceptable level of utility functions declared in the strategy? In a context of the uncertainty caused by incomplete market transition in Russia and processes of globalisation in the world, a hypothesis is advanced that this problem can be solved by creation of effective management-economic mechanisms. An approach to determination of a reasonable set of potentially effective alternative mechanisms is proposed as well as methodology for choosing from them the most preferable ones. The instruments considered will include the use of modern information technologies and involvement of a wide circle of experts at the analysis and synthesis stages. The working tool at all stages must be comparison of scientific foundations of the strategy for Siberia developed at the SB RAS with those of the governmental version of strategy published in this journal No.4, 2001, and No.3, 2002, respectively.

Kibalov Ie. B. [email protected]

Kuleshov V. V. [email protected]

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